Welcome to our appointment portal!

If you have found what you need and are ready to book your services please select the tier or consultation you wish to utilize.

If you are a returning client please sign in and book your in-person or video conference calls here.

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How much is an in-Person Consultation?

In-person consultation fees vary based on Travel as Heaven Sent Solutions is based in Columbus, Ohio. We factor in car and plane travel in our fees along with an hourly rate based on needs.

Note: In-person photo and video shoots will cost more than a sit down personalized social media consultation. Send us an contact request to get a quote.

What do you do at photo and video shoots?

This is where visionary management and creative empowerment come together.

Let us help you shape your story by assisting with concept development, helping you see things from a consumer point of view and connect your clients with the creative manifestation of the photo or video shoot. With guided team coordination, orchestrated set design & location scouting that resonates with your brand we will execute your vision. Upon post-production, we will illuminate the path towards perfection, infusing each image with your branding, channeling your creative energies to bring forth your visions into the world.

Can you give me a price breakdown?

In the age of social media your presence online is as important as ever and will only continue to become more important to your brands accessibility. That is why having the tools to understand how social media works, how to reach your audience and how to capture your story is so important. Here at Heaven Sent Solutions our goal is to help you get to a point where you soar without us and no longer need our services. Our prices are set based upon amount of time invested to build you a personalized strategy as well as having access to on-call assistance. Send us a contact request for price breakdowns of specific services.